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Danielle Dolan
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Danielle Dolan

SunriseWALKS is an annual walkathon event that raises critical funds and awareness for  Sunrise Day Camp-Long Island, the world’s first full-summer day camp for children with cancer and their siblings, offered completely free of charge. Sunrise Day Camp, along with their Year-Round Programming and In-Hospital Recreational Activities, brings back the simple joys of childhood to hundreds of children who are impacted by pediatric cancer. 

This year I am hoping you are able to join me or help support Sunrise Day Camp in honor of Alexander Levy. He was an amazing man with the kindest heart and Sunrise meant so
much to him.

I look forward to supporting such a memorable cause with all of you. #TeamAlex


raised of $250 goal

Million Step Challenge

233,948 steps
of 1,000,000 steps goal

Recent Donations

Member of

Team Legendary Levy
